About Raye

On my twentieth birthday I had an epiphany. While I am not considered by some a typical "fashionista", I knew my way around the world of fashion. My love for anything style and fashion came from watching my great grandmother and grandmother get dolled up for dinner dates and parties. Watching the women who influenced me over the years has helped shaped my signature style.

I always wanted to run my own fashion blog. I wanted to make a place where fashion, beauty, and fun all meshed together like peanut butter and jelly. Unfortunately, I wasn't always as confident in my skills the way I am today. Being a size twenty four, I always thought that no one would take me serious when I mentioned my own fashion blog. That was the anchor holding me back to achieving my dream.

In 2012, I finally decided that just because of my size, I wasn't going to continue putting off my dream. Even if no one saw this, I would still work towards my dream. Enter 2013, after a four dress size slim down, I had finally become comfortable in my skin and I am ready to show the world, this Cushy Chick can hang with the best of them. 

NOTE: this is a fairly new blog, I have run my own tumblr fashion blog, but this is my real baby. A place where I can really delve into my inner fashion diva. I will NOT tolerate and negative or disheartening comments. I WILL remove them ASAP. Please remember, not everyone shares my sense of style and I won't force my choices on you. If you continue to follow this blog, I welcome you with open arms and double cheek kisses. 
                                                                                           Raye Elyese

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